#Poker app for iPhone and iPad
Developer: Kwok Chun Hin
First release : 10 Nov 2011
App size: 10.39 Mb
This is a game combining the game Tic Tac Toe and Poker.
1. The game start with two or four tic-tac-toe boards, and a deck of cards.
2. Two players take turn to take and place a card on the tic-tac-toe board to form 3 cards poker hands vertically, horizontally, or even diagonally.
- Three of a kind: AAA
- Straight: QKA
- Flush: 3 cards of the same suit
3. When the board is full, the game is ended. And the player with higher score won the game.
Special Card:
Bomb: Explode and push a card back to the deck
Cut: Move a card from any table to your table
Empty: Transform into anything
這是一個結合 過三關 和 Poker 的遊戲
1. 中間的牌區有五張牌
2. 玩家輪流把牌移到自己的方格,組合出Poker的組合來取得分數,如順子(3隻數字連續),同花(3隻一樣花式)
炸彈: 放在自己的某一個方格上,所有玩家(包括自己)同一位置的牌會被炸走
剪下: 剪下任何一張牌,放到自己的桌上
百搭: 自選